Saturday, June 8, 2013

How to set password in usb pendrive without any software?

Here’s an easy way to doing this.
steps :
1. Go to the flash drive, and put everything in one folder titled Flash
2.On a computer, open  notepad (Start+R and type in ‘notepad’)
3.copy the below code and paste it in notepad docement.
type:(Passwordtxt file)@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
title Password
echo Please Enter password…
set /p pass=Pass:
if /i ‘!pass!’==’ENTERYOURPASSWORDHERE’ goto next
echo !pass! is not the password. Try again.
goto START
if exist D:/Flash (
set Jbe=D
if exist E:/Flash (
set Jbe=E
if exist F:/Flash (
set Jbe=F
if exist G:/Flash (
set Jbe=G
if exist H:/Flash (
set Jbe=H
if exist I:/Flash (
set Jbe=I
if exist J:/Flash (
set Jbe=J
if exist K:/Flash (
set Jbe=K
if exist L:/Flash (
set Jbe=L
if exist M:/Flash (
set Jbe=M
start explorer.exe Flash || goto ERROR
echo There was an error opening the file. Would you like
echo to try again???
set /p jam=Yes or No:
if /i ‘%jam%’==’yes’ goto next
if /i ‘%jam%’==’no’ goto seeya
if not defined jam goto ERROR
echo %jam% is an invalid option. Try again.
goto ERROR
echo Well, see ya!
ping -n 2>nul

Where it says ENTERYOURPASSWORDHERE, delete that and type in your password you wish to use to open your flash drive.
Once you’ve copied and pasted that into notepad, save as Password.bat in your flash drive
(don’t put it under any folders)

Then, you go START+R and type in CMD.
Then, type in (THe drive is the letter with the colon that is assigned to your flash drive EX: J:, E:)
attrib Flash +s +h

attrib Flash +s +h

Now, you need to put in the password to open your files. I know it’s a long process, but you’ll appreciate this in the long run. I use this for my flash drive, and it works great. If I made an error and it doesn’t work, post that.

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