Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How to Create a Folder with password protection without any Software

There are a lot of methods that you can use to create a password protected folder, most of which require the use of some third party software. Using this neat method you can hide your folders with a quick batch script.a

Create Your Password Protected FolderBefore you get started you need to create a folder that will house your password protected folder, this is just an ordinary folder and can be located anywhere and named anything.
Navigate into your newly created folder and create a new Text Document. This can easily be done from the context menu.

Open the document, now paste the following code into the contents of the document:
title Folder Private 
if EXIST "HTG Locker" goto UNLOCK 
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER 
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N) 
set/p "cho=>" 
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK 
if %cho%==y goto LOCK 
if %cho%==n goto END 
if %cho%==N goto END 
echo Invalid choice. 
ren Private "HTG Locker" 
attrib +h +s "HTG Locker" 
echo Folder locked 
goto End 
echo Enter password to unlock folder 
set/p "pass=>" 
attrib -h -s "HTG Locker" 
ren "HTG Locker" Private 
echo Folder Unlocked successfully 
goto End 
echo Invalid password 
goto end 
md Private 
echo Private created successfully 
goto End 
Change the ENTER YOUR PASSWORD HERE text to the password you want to set. Now go ahead and save the file as locker.bat.

Once the file is saved as a batch file you can delete the original text file.

Now run your batch file by double clicking on it–the first time you run it, it will create a folder called Private. This is where you can store all your secret things. When you have finished adding all your stuff to the Private folder, run locker.bat again.

This time you will be asked if you sure that you want to lock the folder, press the “Y” key and hit enter to lock your folder.

You will see that your Private folder quickly disappears.

If you run the script yet again, you will prompted for a password.

If you enter the same password as you set in the script the Private folder will reappear if you enter the incorrect password the script will just Terminate.
Most people don’t know how to show system files, but anybody who has some experience will probably be able to quickly figure it out in the Folder Options.

Also, any ordinary user who unchecks the box will most probably be scared off by the warning message that appears.

The second way someone could comprise the folder is to open the batch file and read your password. It’s definitely not a really secure way to hide your files, but it is fun.

Note : content and images attributed by “Howtogeek”.

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How to Format PC using USB flash drive


Today I’m posting here is How to Format PC using USB flash drive. 
Many of people face lots of problems once we got to format/reinstall windows on our pc.Very First thing we’ve to choose from where to install windows?252232_518510794862922_285100556_nThe choices available are optical disk(DVD) or USB Pendrive.Within the latest new netbooks, largely there’s no DVD drive. Therefore if you wish to install windows you have to choose the other option, i.e. USB Pendrive. Therefore here I’m providing a brief and 100% tested tutorial on

“how to create a Windows 7 Bootable USB Pendrive to install Windows 7 from USB Pendrive”

Very First issue, You must check whether or not your BIOS supports booting from USB. Most of the computer/laptops support. However if your BIOS doesn’t, then sorry, you can’t boot from a USB Pendrive.
Second issue, You need another pc with Windows installed with a DVD drive, to COPY its contents later.
So here is the procedure:
1) Run command prompt(cmd). this will be done by clicking start and typing cmd in Windows 7/Windows Xp, click on start and then click on run. Type cmd and run. This may Open the command prompt which is able to appear as if this:

2) Then run diskpart utility from CMD, by typing “diskpart” on command prompt and pressing enter. this will run the diskpart utility in a very separate windows, that is shown in image below:

3) Now insert USB pendrive in any USB port. Remember that Your pen drive should be atleast 4 GB, 8 GB USB pendrive is best for This purpose. Now return to the diskpart console & type “listdisk” and press enter. this may list the different storage devices available. You’ll see the size column of the disk and here ‘disk 2′ is our pen drive. Warning: In your PC it may be some other number. In our case it’s “disk 2″.

4) Then you’ve got to type “select disk 2″ and press enter. Note: in our case it’s disk 2, in your case it may be disk 3/disk 1 or any different number. you can enter “detail disk” to check the details of the disk once you select it to verify that you’ve choosen the right disk. you’ll be able to see these steps within the image below:

5) Then you’ve to run a Series of commands. The commands to be run within the order are:
- clean
- create partition primary
- select partition 1
- active
- format fs=fat32
These steps are shown in the following Image:

6) The format step can take some time.after the format is complete you’ve to run “assign” command. and after this U can exit diskpart utility by entering the “exit” command. The steps are shown below:
- assign
- exit

- The image below shows all the steps taken from the 1st step:
7) when the format is complete, insert your original “Windows 7 DVD” in your DVD drive, or If you’ve an .iso image of the DVD, Mount that .iso image using “power ISO”(any virtual drive software).
- Now open My Computer, and open the contents of DVD Drive.Select all contents and copy all the contents
- Now open the USB Pendrive and press paste all the contents of DVD into the USB Disk.
8 ) Once the copy finishes, you’re done simply remove the USB Pendrive safely and use it to install Windows 7 in your PC.


Insert pendrive in USB port then Restart your computer.press F8 for Boot drive option.Select “pendrive”(it may be appear as your name of your pendrive’s company).Then format your pc as you are doing with DVD.

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Internet Download Manager 6.0.7 Full version

Here I am sharing IDM 6.0.7 with crack + serial key.
Enjoy this..!


Here the Download Link(Click Me..!)
(Note: sign up to that link to download)

Download Link 2

steps to install :
1.open  idman607+crack+serial working.rar
2.install "idman607"
3.close idm
4.open "crack" and copy those files and paste them
   in C:\Program Files\Internet Download Manager.(note:use copy and replace option)
5.almost done.
6.finally enter the "serial key" at registration of  Internet Download Manager

That’s it..!

                                Thanks guys…!

How to Hack Gmail Password or Account

Things That you Need for Hacking Gmail Account Password:
1. Gmail Phisher
2. Free Web hosting  Site
3. Little bit of manual Work
Introduction to Phishing
First of all What are Phish pages and what is phishing?? Phish pages are basically the fake pages or virtual pages that looks similar to the original website Page. The only difference is the batch program running in the background i.e Original Webpage sends requests to Gmail server while Phish Page sends request to hacker's php server. Now Phishing is a password hacking technique commonly used by hackers using phish pages that looks similar to original web page. The only difference is the URL in the address bar so Guys One Important Tip for you all always check the Address bar while going to any website .
Now What is Smart Phishing, Normal phishing page sends the password to hacker but it doesn't redirects the page to original website but smart phishing does. Means victim can never know what really happened and his account is got hacked. He will only think that he has entered the wrong password as in second attempt the web page is original and he will be able to login and the most fantastic thing is that the original redirected page has username already entered in it that makes it even smarter.
Now lets come to how it works?? When a user types a Username Password in the the text box,The info is sent to "login.php" which acts as a password logger and redirects the page to "LoginFrame2.htm" which shows "There has been a temporary error Please Try Again" in it . So when the person clicks on try again it redirects to the actual URL so that the victim does not know that your site is a fake site and gets his gmail.com password hacked.
1. First of all DOWNLOAD the Gmail Phisher. 

Note: click “Regular Download “ at opened site.

6-1-2013 5-32-57 PM

Download link 2

2. Extract the rar file now you will get three files as given below: 

  •       gmail.html
  •       log.txt
  •       mail.php

3. Upload all the Three files to any of the free Web hosting server. Remember while creating the  account on these servers try the username as nearer as possible to the original URL like mail.gmaile or maile.gmall etc.. As its the most crucial step. Some Free Web hosting servers are given below you can also find few more for yourself. 

4. Once you have uploaded all the three files to web hosting server now you have to send these to your victim. This is the most important step regarding smart phishing technique.
Most People use same password for orkut and gmail and here is the main hack lies. What you have to do you have to send the HTML email to the victim which looks similar to the Orkut scrap to his email you can easily do this using simple editing to the existing mail. Just you have to change the link with your phish link and content according to the person likings so that he will surely come inside the trap.
Another technique is that you can send him a request to join a particular community in the format orkut does.
And Last but the most important one Send him mail from Gmail Admin such that "We have seen illegal activity from your account and you need to verify your account and your account is temporarily disabled after this login. To unlock your account Verify your Email and in that link put your Phish link. Now Guys you all will came to know How it works. If you want to Protect yourself its must that you should know what techniques a Hacker can use to hack your Gmail Account.
5. Now After sending phisher to victim, once the user logs in to his Gmail account using your Phisher, his user ID and password are ours..And these are stored in log.txt What you have to do is just refresh your Web hosting account files. 
How to hack Gmail Account Password
6. The Log.txt file will contain the passwords and look like this: 
How to hack Gmail Account Password 1 

Method 2 :
Hacking Gmail Account Password using 'Free Emissary Keylogger' Software
Follow the Step by Step Tutorials below to hack Gmail Account Password
Step 1: Download "Gmail hacker" Software (extract the file to desktop). If your Antivirus deletes the file, then please turnoff your Antivirus or uninstall it and try downloading again.

  Hacking Gmail Account Password using Gmail Hacker Software
Step 2: Run 'Gmail hacker Bulder.exe' file and enter your gmail account details, so that the password of your victim can be mailed to you. If you are afraid of entering your gmail details, then do create one fake account and enter those details.
Hacking Gmail Account Password using Gmail Hacker Software
Step 3: After you enter your 'Gmail account' details Click on 'Build'. Now the Gmail Hacker will Clone itself, ie it will create another file called 'Gmail Hacker.exe' and will save it in the same folder.
Hacking Gmail Account Password using Gmail Hacker Software
Step 4: Now Send the 'Gmail Hacker.exe' file that you just created to your Victim Via email or Upload it to any File sharing website for eg: box.net, Rapidshare, etc and send the link via chat or email. Ask the Victim to try that software to hack others email and some how convince him to run that software and enter all information (which includes his Gmail id and password plus Gmail ID of the victim he want to hack). When he enters the required information and hits the 'hack them' Button, he will receive an error message as shown below and The Username and Password will be mailed to your Gmail Id (that you Specified in Step 2)
Note: you Should Provide a valid USERNAME and PASSWORD, in order to receive the hacked details.
4 Hacking Gmail Account Password using Gmail Hacker Software
That’s all Now you have hacked the password of victim. I hope you all have Liked It. 

How to design a computer program

 This tutorial assumes you're designing a standalone computer program that runs with a conventional GUI or command-line interface, but many of the techniques can also apply to programs that will become part of a bigger system. It's the next in a series after "So you've just been given your first programming assignment" and expands on what goes on during Step 7 of that tutorial: Sketching a plan of attack. It'll introduce you to the most important principles of program design and gloss over some illustrative examples and specifics.

 A standalone program is one that is justified all by itself, like a word processor or a game, but even if it was a cog in a bigger system it'd still have the same qualities: it would focus on one job, it would take some kind of input that the system produces and transform it into some kind of output that the user or system consumes. Some examples of good standalone programs are:
  • Address book
  • Spreadsheet
  • Calculator
  • Trip planner
  • Picture editor
 Whereas a program designed to be part of a larger system can be something like:
  • A program that imports purchase orders and saves them to a database
  • A program that prints packing slips for orders stored in a database
  • A web browser
  • An email client
  • An MP3 player
 The first set of programs are all useful on their own, but the second set all need something else to complete them such as a web server or email server. Even the MP3 player needs a program that can create new MP3 files for it to play. The impact to you is that the second set of programs have to cooperate with some kind of protocol or file format that you didn't design yourself, and so they become part of your spec. In this tutorial I'm going to ignore that aspect so I can concentrate on the basics.

What is the difference between designing and coding?

 There is no difference between designing a program on paper and coding it, but code tends to be harder to understand and change. So the goal of the paper planning phase is to invent a pattern that helps you understand the code and isolate it from changes made in other parts of the program. In fact, most of your time will be spent creating ways to isolate code from changes made to other code, and most of this tutorial will be about how you can do this one thing.

 A popular metaphor for design versus coding is the architect who gives blueprints to the builder, and the builder represents the programmer. But it's an imperfect metaphor because it forgets the compiler, which does the same thing as the builder in the architect metaphor. If we revised the metaphor then the architect would have to go through three phases to design a bridge: come up with a way to organize the blueprints, then come up with a way to prevent changes in the design of the bolts or girders from forcing a redesign of the entire bridge, and then design the bridge.

 In real life construction projects the builders also co-design the bridge along with the architect because they discover problems that the architect missed, even offering solutions for them based on their expertise as builders. Not just problems with the measurements and materials either, but problems with the landscape, weather and budget. With programming the compiler will be a co-designer because it'll also tell you about problems you missed. Not just problems with the syntax, but problems with the way you use types. Many modern compilers will go as far as to suggest ways to fix those problems based on the expertise of the programmers who made it.

What makes a language "expressive"?

 The more work you can imply with a single symbol or keyword, and the more open a symbol is to modification by other symbols, then the more expressive the language is.

 For example, the loop. First we had to define loops by initializing a counter, then establishing a label for the beginning of the loop, and then increment the counter, test for a condition, and GOTO the beginning of the loop again:

10 DIM i = 1
20 PRINT i
30 i = i + 1
40 IF i < 10 GOTO 20

 Then languages got to be a little bit more expressive, and it took less work to say the same thing:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)

 The new language added symbols and syntax that encapsulated more meaning, not just making it easier to see that it was a loop, but even the syntax for incrementing the counter got shorter.

 These were symbols that implied a lot of meaning, but there's also the ability to modify the meaning of symbols:

 Tomorrow = Now + "24 hours"

 Not only was the plus operator overloaded to perform the appropriate arithmetic on dates, but implicit conversion was invoked to convert the string literal into a timespan value.
 This is why the choice of language has a big impact on how much design work you'll do on paper before you begin coding. The more type checking and static analysis the compiler does and the more expressive the language is then the easier it is to organize and isolate code. Imagine that languages could be placed on a graph like the one below. Here we see that assembly languages require the most planning in advance of coding, but DSLs (Domain Specific Languages) can be so specialized for their task that you can jump into coding almost right away.

 The numbers on this graph have been exaggerated to illustrate the idea, but the gist is that every language aims to sit somewhere between intense planning and carefree coding. And even though it seems like it would be nice to operate at the bottom-right corner all the time, it isn't necessarily an advantage; one of the trade-offs of expressibility in any language--human or computer languages--is applicability. Every abstraction comes at a price that makes the language less appropriate for some other task.

 Even if your problem lives at the bullseye of a language's target there will still never be a language so expressive that you'll never need any kind of paper-planning. There will only ever be languages that make it safer to move into coding earlier.

How to think about the design of a program

 All programs transform input into output, even if that input was hard-coded into the source at design-time. It's obvious enough to be forgotten and programmers can get so lost in the fuss of implementing features that they forget what the real purpose of the program was. Proper design can help you and your team mates avoid losing sight of the real goal.

 The code that does the conversion is called the business logic. The business logic will act on data structures called the model. Your program will need to convert (or "deserialize") its input into the model, transform it, and then serialize the model into output. The model will be whatever makes it easiest to perform the transformation and does not need to resemble what the user thinks of the data as. For example, a calculator converts decimal numbers into binary, performs arithmetic on them there, and then converts the binary back into decimal. The binary representation of the decimal numbers is the calculator's model.

 Everything else is called overhead, and that will be code that implements the user interface, sanitizes the input, creates connections to services, allocates and disposes of memory, implements higher-level data structures like trees and lists and so-on. One of your goals will be to separate the overhead from the business logic so that you can make changes to one without having to modify the other.

 Some mistakes to avoid at this stage:
  1. Don't create a class or module called "BusinessLogic" or similar. It shouldn't be a black-box. Later I'll discuss how to structure this code
  2. Don't put business logic in a library1. You'll want the ability to change it more often than the overhead, and libraries tend to get linked to other programs--multiplying the consequences of changing it
  3. Don't put business logic or overhead into the model unless it's only enforcing constraints. The code that defines the model should expose some interfaces that let you attach what you need. More on that later
 Some of the things that you can include in the model is code that enforces meaningful relationships. So if your genology program has a "Person" class with an "Offspring" collection then you should include code in the model that prevents a person from being their own grandparent. But the function to discover cousin relationships in a family tree is business logic and doesn't belong in the model. Although it might make sense that you can't be your own cousin, and that this rule could be enforced in the model, you also need to draw a line between what enforcement is necessary to prevent common bugs and what's going to create complex bugs through mazes of logic that are difficult to follow.

1 - "Anything Is Appropriate As Long As You Know What You're Doing." One man's business logic is another man's overhead, and your project might be packaged as a library to be consumed by a bigger system. This rule is meant to apply to the point you're at in the food chain.

Top-Down versus Bottom-Up

 Top-Down programming is about writing the business logic first in pseudocode or non-compiling code and then working down to the specifics, and it's the first program design technique taught in schools. Lets say that you're designing a coin-counting program, and you write what you want the perfect main() to look like:
void main()
    CoinHopper hopper = new CoinHopper(Config.CoinHopperHardwarePort);
    decimal deposit = 0;
    while (hopper.count > 0)
        CoinType coin = hopper.next();
        deposit += coin.value;

    decimal processingFee = deposit * 0.08;
    Output.Write("Total deposit: ${0}, processing fee: ${1}, net deposit: ${2}",
                  deposit - processingFee);

 The program doesn't compile yet, but you've now defined the essence of the program in one place. With top-down programming you start like this and then you focus on defining what's going on in the CoinHopper class and what abstraction is going on in the Output class.

 Bottom-up programming is the natural opposite, where the programmer intuits that he'll need a way to control the coin counting hardware and begins writing the code for that before writing the code for main(). One of the reasons for doing it this way is to discover non-obvious requirements that have a major impact on the high-level design of the program. Lets say that when we dig into the nitty-gritty of the API for the hardware we discover that it doesn't tell us what type of coin is there, it just gives us sensory readings like the diameter and weight. Now we need to change the design of the program to include a module that identifies coins by their measurements.

 What usually happens in the real-world is that all of the top-down design is done on paper and the actual coding goes bottom-up. Then when the coding effort falsifies an assumption made on paper the high-level design is easier to change.
"A further disadvantage of the top-down method is that, if an understanding of a fault is obtained, a simple fix, such as a new shape for the turbine housing, may be impossible to implement without a redesign of the entire engine." - from Richard Feynman's report of the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

High-level design patterns

 "Design patterns" might have come into the programmer's lexicon around the time a book by the same name was published, but the concept has existed since the dawn of man. Given a problem, there are certain traditional ways of solving it. Having windows on two adjacent walls in a room is a design pattern for houses that ensures adequate light at any time of day. Or putting the courthouse on one side of a square park and shops around the other sides is another kind of design pattern that focuses a town's community. The culture of computer programming has developed hundreds of its own design patterns: high level patterns that affect the architecture of the whole program--forcing you to chose them in advance--and low-level patterns that can be chosen later in development.

 High-level patterns are baked into certain types of frameworks. The Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern is ubiquitous for GUIs and web applications and nearly impossible to escape in frameworks like Cocoa, Ruby-on-Rails, and .Net, but that doesn't mean you have to use it for every program; some programs don't have to support random user interaction and wouldn't benefit from MVC.

 MVC is well described elsewhere, so here are some of the other high-level patterns and what they're good for.

The 1-2-3

 This is the first pattern you learned in programming class: the program starts, asks the user for input, does something with it, prints it out and halts. One-two-three. "Hello world" is a 1-2-3. It's the simplest pattern and still useful and appropriate in many situations. It's good for utilities, housekeeping tasks and one-off programs.

 One of the biggest mistakes made by programmers is to get too ambitious. They start designing an MVC program, take weeks or months to code and debug it, but then it dwarfs the magnitude of the problem. If someone wants a program that doesn't need to take its inputs randomly and interactively, then produces a straightforward output, then it's a candidate for 1-2-3.

The Read-Execute-Print Loop (REPL)

 REPL is the 1-2-3 kicked up a notch. Here the program doesn't halt after printing its output, it just goes back and asks for more input. Command-line interfaces are REPLs, and most interpreted programming languages come with a REPL wrapped around the interpreter. But if you give the REPL the ability to maintain state between each command then you have a powerful base to build simple software that can do complex things. You don't even need to implement a full programming language, just a simple "KEYWORD {PARAMETER}" syntax can still be effective for a lot of applications.

 The design of a REPL program should keep the session's state separate from the code that interprets commands, and the interpreter should be agnostic to the fact that it's embedded in a REPL so that you can reuse it in other patterns. If you're using OOP then you should also create an Interface to abstract the output classes with, so that you aren't writing to STDOUT directly but to something likemyDevice.Write(results). This is so you can easily adapt the program to work on terminals, GUIs, web interfaces and so-on.

The Pipeline

 Input is transformed one stage at a time in a pipeline that runs continuously. It's good for problems that transform large amounts of data with little or no user interaction, such as consolidating records from multiple sources into a uniform store or producing filtered lists according to frequently changing rules. A news aggregator that reads multiple feed standards (like RSS and Atom), filters out dupes and previously read articles, categorizes and then distributes the articles into folders is a good candidate for the Pipeline pattern, especially if the user is expected to reconfigure or change the order of the stages.

 You write your program as a series of classes or modules that share the same model and have a loop at their core. The business logic goes inside the loop and treats each chunk of data atomically--that is, independent of any other chunk. If you're writing your program on Unix then you can take advantage of the pipelineing system already present and write your program as a single module that reads from stdin and writes to stdout.

 Some language features that are useful for the Pipeline pattern are coroutines (created with the "yield return" statement) and immutable data types that are safe to stream.

The Workflow

 This is similar to the Pipeline pattern but performs each stage through to completion before moving onto the next. It's good for when the underlying data type doesn't support streaming, when the chunks of data can't be processed independently of the others, when a high degree of user interaction is expected on each stage, or if the flow of data ever needs to go in reverse. The Workflow pattern is ideal for things like processing purchase orders, responding to trouble tickets, scheduling events, "Wizards", filing taxes, etc..

 You'd wrap your model in a "Session" that gets passed from module to module. A useful language feature to have is an easy way to serialize and deserialize the contents of the session to-and-from a file on disk, like to an XML file. 

The Batch Job

 The user prepares the steps and parameters for a task and submits it. The task runs asynchronously and the user receives a notification when the task is done. It's good for tasks that take more than a few seconds to run, and especially good for jobs that run forever until cancelled. Google Alerts is a good example; it's like a search query that never stops searching and sends you an email whenever their news spider discovers something that matches your query. Yet even something as humble as printing a letter is also a batch job because the user will want to work on another document while your program is working on queuing it up.

 Your model is a representation of the user's command and any parameters, how it should respond when the task has produced results, and what the results are. You need to encapsulate all of it into a self-contained data structure (like "PrintJobCriteria" and "PrintJobResults" classes that share nothing with any other object) and make sure your business logic has thread-safe access to any resources so it can run safely in the background.

 When returning results to the user you must make sure you avoid any thread entanglement issues. Framework classes like BackgroundWorker are ideal for marshaling the results back onto the GUI.

Combining architectural patterns

 You can combine high-level patterns into the same program, but you will need to have a very good idea of what the user's problem is because one model will always be more dominant than the others. If the wrong model is dominant then it'll spoil the user's interaction with the program. 

 For example, it wouldn't be a good idea to make the Pipeline dominant and implement 1-2-3 in one of its modules because you'll force the user to interact excessively for each chunk of data that goes through the pipeline. This is exactly the problem with the way file management is done in Windows: you start a pipeline by copying a folder full of files, but an intermediate module wants user confirmation for each file that has a conflict. It's better to make 1-2-3 dominant and let the user define in advance what should happen to exceptions in the pipeline.

User Interface patterns

 A complete discussion of UI patterns would be beyond the scope of this tutorial, but there are two meta-patterns that are common between all of them: modal and modeless. Modal means the user is expected to do one thing at a time, while modeless means the user can do anything at any time. A word processor is modeless, but a "Wizard" is modal. Regardless of what the underlying architectural pattern is, the UI needs to pick one of these patterns and stick to it. 

 Some programs can mix the two effectively if the task lends itself, like tax-filing software because it lets you jump to points randomly in the data entry stage, but doesn't let you move onto proofing and filing until the previous stage is complete.

 Almost all major desktop software is modeless and users tend to expect it. To support this kind of UI there are two mechanisms supported by most toolchains; event-driven and data binding.

Event driven

 Sometimes called "call-backs", but when they're called "Events" it's usually because they've been wrapped in a better abstraction. You attach a piece of code to a GUI control, and when the user does something to the control (click it, focus it, type in it, mouse-over it, etc) your code is invoked by the control. The call-back code is called a handler and is passed a reference to the control and some details about the event. 

 Event-driven designs require a lot of code to examine the circumstances of the event and update the UI. The GUI is dumb, knows nothing about the data, needs to be spoon-fed the data, and passes the buck to your code whenever the user does something. This can be desirable when the data for the model is expensive to fetch, like when it's across the network or there's more than can fit in RAM.

 Events are an important concept in business logic, overhead and models, too. The "PropertyChanged" event is very powerful when added to model classes, for example, because it fits so well with the next major UI mechanism below:

Data Binding

 Instead of attaching code to a control you attach the model to the control and let a smart GUI read and manipulate the data directly. You can also attach PropertyChanged andCollectionChanged events to the model so that changes to the underlying data are reflected in the GUI automatically, and manipulation on the model performed by the GUI can trigger business logic to run. This technique is the most desirable if your model's data can be retrieved quickly or fit entirely in RAM. 

 Data binding is complemented with conventional event-driven style; like say your address-book controls are bound directly to the underlying Address object, but the "Save" button invokes a classic Event handler that actually persists the data.

 Data binding is extremely powerful and has been taken to new levels by technologies like Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). A substantial portion of your program's behavior can be declared in data bindings alone. For example: if you have a list-box that is bound to a collection of Customer objects then you can bind the detail view directly to the list-box's SelectedItem property and make the detail view change whenever the selection in the list-box does, no other code required. A perfectly usable viewer program can be built by doing nothing more than filling the model from the database and then passing the whole show over to the GUI. Or like MVC without the C.

 What it'll mean for the design of your program is greater emphasis on the model. You'll either design a model that fits the organization of the GUI, or build adaptors that transform your model into what's easiest for the GUI to consume. The style is part of a broader concept known as Reactive Programming.

Designing models

 Remember that your data model should fit the solution, not the problem. Don't look at the definition of the problem and start creating classes for every noun that you see, and nor should you necessarily create classes that model the input or output--those may be easily convertible without mapping them to anything more sophisticated than strings.

 Some of the best candidates for modelling first are actions and imaginary things, like transactions, requests, tasks and commands. A program that counts coins probably doesn't need an abstract Coinclass with PennyNickelDime and Quarter dutifully subclassing it, but it should have a Session class with properties to record the start time, end time, total coin count and total value. It might also contain a Dictionary property to keep separate counts for each type of coin, and the data type representing the coin type may just end up being an Enum or string if that's all it really needs.

 Once you've modeled the actions you can step forward with your business logic a little until you begin to see which nouns should be modeled with classes. For example, if you don't need to know anything about a customer except their name, then don't create a Customer class, just store their name as a string property of an Order or Transaction class2.

2 - There can be a benefit to creating "wrappers" for scalar values for the sake of strong-typing them. In this case Customer would just store a name, but the fact that it's an instance of Customer means the value can't be accidentally assigned to a PhoneNumber property. But I wouldn't use this technique unless your language supports Generics (more below).

Organizing business logic

 Earlier I said that it's bad form to create a class called BusinessLogic and cram it all in there because it makes it look like a black box. Let's say our coin-counter's business logic can be expressed as "Count all US-issue coins, discard foreign coinage and subtract an 8% processing fee." Our design has evolved since our first attempt and now we have two classes: Tabulator andCoinIdentifier

 CoinIdentifier has a public static method that takes input from the coin sensors in the machinery and spits out a value that identifies what kind of coin it is. It's probably going to need changes once a year or less as new coins are issued, so we have a good reason to isolate it from the rest of the code.

 Tabulator handles a CoinInserted event raised by the hardware and passes the sensor data--contained within the event's arguments--to CoinIdentifier. Tabulator keeps track of the counts for all coin types regardless of whether they're US-issue or not. The essence of this code is the least likely to change, so we make sure it doesn't have to know how to identify coins or judge what ought to be done with them. 

 Tabulator raises a CoinCounted event instead, and we put its handler in the main module of the program to decide whether to keep the coin or eject it into the returns tray. The code which is the most likely to change frequently--like which coins to reject and how much to keep as a processing fee--stays in the main module, with constants like the processing fee read from a configuration file.

 Organizing business logic means grouping it by purpose, avoiding bundles of unrelated functions, and creating Interfaces that let us connect the modules while insulating them from changes in each other. Another benefit is that well isolated code is easier to test in isolation, and that makes it safer to change other code without forcing a re-test of everything that uses it.

Keeping models, overhead and business logic separate

 The last topic I'll discuss in this tutorial is also the most important, because it gives you more flexibility to change the higher-level design. The future maintainability of your code depends on it, but in large projects even the initial coding will succeed or fail on this principle.

 This is what most of the book Design Patterns is about. If you buy it then be aware that some of its patterns may be obsolete in your language because they've been absorbed into language features. The "Iterator" pattern, for example, is now hidden in a language feature called list comprehensions. The pattern is still there, but now it's automatic and the language just became more expressive

 New patterns are being invented all the time, but these are the basic principles they all strive for:

Overhead code needs to be as program-agnostic as possible

 Assume that every line of business logic and every property of the model will change and that the overhead code should expect it. You can do this by pushing that overhead code into its own classes and using Interfaces on models and business logic to define the very least of what the overhead needs to know about an object. You can also now find languages like Java, C# and Visual Basic that support Generics, which extend the type-checking power of the compiler (and by extension, the IDE). Here's how to make them work for you:
  • Use Interfaces to abstract an object's capabilities
    If your overhead code needs to do something to an object then put an Interface on that object's class that exposes whatever is needed. For example, your overhead code has to route a message based on its destination, so the message class would implement an interface you'd call IDeliverable that defines a Destination property
  • Use Generics to abstract an algorithm's capabilities
    When an algorithm doesn't care what kind of object its manipulating then it should use generics to make the algorithm transparent to the type-checking power of the compiler

Defer specifics until runtime

 Near the beginning I said that every program transforms input into output, and that input will include more than just what the user types or clicks after the program starts. It's also going to include configuration files and, for the sake of clarity, you can even consider your program's main() module to be like a compiled and linked configuration file; its job is to assemble the abstracted pieces at the last minute and give them the kiss of life.

 You can defer specifics with a design principle called Inversion of Control (IoC). The simplest expression is when you pass objects that know their own specifics into methods that don't, such as when a Sort() algorithm takes collections of objects that all implement IComparable. Sort() doesn't need to know how to compare two objects, it just churns through them callingobject1.Compare(object2). The code for Sort() concerns only what Sort() does, not what's peculiar about the things it's sorting.

Blocking events

 Events can be used to invert control and pass the buck up the chain, too, and when the child code waits for the event to be handled--rather than continuing on asynchronously--we say it's a blocking event. Event names that begin with Resolve often want the parent code to look for something it needs. An XML parser, for example, might use a ResolveNamespace event rather than force the programmer to pass all possible namespaces or a namespace resolving object at the beginning. The handler has the job of finding the resource and it passes it back by setting a property in the event's arguments.

Dependency Injection

 A more complex expression of IoC is called Dependency Injection (DI). This is when you identify a need--such as writing to different kinds of databases or output devices--and pass implementations of them into an object that uses them. Our Tabulator class from earlier, for example, could be passed an instance of the exact breed of CoinIdentifier in its constructor. We have one that works on US coins and another that works on Canadian, and a configuration file tells the main() which one to create.

 The second method of DI is to call a static method from within the class that needs the resource. This is popular for logging frameworks: say your class has a member called _logger and in your constructor you set it by calling the static method LogManager.GetLogger(). GetLogger() in turn implements the Factory design pattern to pick and instantiate the appropriate kind of logger at runtime. With a tweak to a config file you can go from writing to text files to sending log events over the network or storing them in a database.

 To chose between the two I like to consider how critical the dependency is to the purpose of the module. When the dependency is critical I pass it as a parameter to the constructor so that it's clear and explicit what's going on in your code. When it's for a side-concern like logging I hide them with calls to static methods because I want to avoid ruining the readability of the business logic.

 A third method is to use a dependency injection framework like Ninject or Unity. These support more sophisticated methods for both explicit and implicit injection of the dependency, but they're only worth if if your design uses DI extensively. Manual DI has a sweet spot of around 1-to-3 injections per object while frameworks start at about 4 or more. One of the problems they bring is more configuration and prep time before they're usable, and overdosing on them can hide too much.

Parting shots

  • Don't O.D. on third-party structural libraries
    There's you, the language's vendor, and Bob who has this wicked awesome Dependency Injection framework and Monad library. One... maybe two Bob's Frameworks are okay, but don't overdose on them or even you won't know how your program works
  • Brevity is the soul of an Interface
    When you design interfaces for your classes to abstract their capabilities, remember to keep them short. It's normal for an Interface to specify only one or two methods and for classes to implement 5 or 6 Interfaces
  • Explain your program through its structure
    See if you can group your functions into classes and name those classes so that when you look at the project tree you can sense what the program does before you even look at the code
  • Embrace messiness... and refactoring
    During development (and deadlines) it's normal to smudge overhead code and business logic into places they don't belong before you can figure out what patterns will separate them again nicely. It's okay to be messy, but it's important to clean up afterwards with some refactoring

Find Serial Key / Cracks for Any Software using Google

Once Again i am back with a worth article for my TP's Hack World members, This time i am going to explain you that how you can "Find Serial Key / Cracks for Any Software !".I assume that most of you use pirated software. Not everyone can afford buying a program like Photoshop, which costs $699. In this case you can use alternative, free software or you can download a pirated, cracked version of the program. There is a vast number of websites out there, where you can find serial numbers and cracks for any program, but most of them aren't safe to use. Actually most of them are spam sites that “bombard” you with full-screen popup ads, or commandeer your computer into a spam-loving Kraken  or Srizbi Botnet army. In this post I will show you the most efficient way of downloading cracks and serial numbers without any risk to your pc. This is the part ofHacking/Cracking using "Google hacking".

Google Hacking : I will explain google hacking in details in next article very soon.But for now its enough to know that,Google hacking means..how you can search all desired information in direct way,using some google searching tricks.

Now in this article i am going to explain all possible ways to Find the serial Key
a.) Using Google

Finding Serial Key using Google :

To Get the serial number from googleyou have to just follow these steps :

* Go to Google.

* In the search field type : "Software name" 94FBR

* Where, "Software Name" is the name of the item you want to find the serial number for.

* And in google search Results you will get the list of all those websites where the serial key of the required software is available.Thats it !!  :-)


Quite simple really. 94FBR is part of a Office 2000 Pro cd key that is widely distributed as it bypasses the activation requirements of Office 2K Pro. By searching for the product name and 94fbr, you guarantee two things.

1) The pages that are returned are pages dealing specifically with the product you're wanting a serial for.
2) Because 94FBR is part of a serial number, and only part of a serial number, you guarantee that any page being returned is a serial number list page.

See these example searches :
Search the following Keywords on Google :-

"Photoshop 7" 94FBR
"Age of Mythology" 94FBR
"Nero Burning Rom 5.5" 94FBR

This tutorial is for educational purpose,using this keys give rise to piracy .and we need to stop it
  1. Open the site you want to hack. Provide wrong username/password combination in its log in form. (e.g. : Username : me and Password: ' or 1=1 --)An error will occur saying wrong username-password. Now be prepared your experiment starts from here.

  2. 2
    Right click anywhere on that error page =>> go to view source.

  3. 3
    There you can see the HTML coding with JavaScript.• There you find somewhat like this....<_form action="...Login....">• Before this login information copy the URL of the site in which you are. (e.g. :"< _form..........action=http://www.targetwebsite.com/login.......>")

  4. 4
    Then delete the JavaScript from the above that validates your information in the server.(Do this very carefully, your success to hack the site depends upon this i.e. how efficiently you delete the java scripts that validate your account information)

  5. 5
    Then take a close look for "<_input name="password" type="password">"[without quotes] -> replace "<_type=text> “there instead of "<_type=password>". See there if maximum length of password is less than 11 then increase it to 11 (e.g. : if then write )

  6. 6
    Just go to file => save as and save it anywhere in your hard disk with ext.html(e.g.: c:\chan.html)

  7. 7
    Reopen your target web page by double clicking 'chan.html' file that you saved in your hard disk earlier.• You see that some changes in current page as compared to original One. Don't worry.

  8. 8
    Provide any username [e.g.: hacker] and password [e.g.:' or 1=1 --] You have successfully cracked the above website and entered into the account of List user saved in the server's database.